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Lichen Biomonitoring Protocol

Dr. William Purvis (left) & Dr. Gregory Insarov (right) The method is adapted from Insarov (2002) to meet the additional requirements of an inter-city comparative study to record and monitor lichen diversity and distribution in Moscow and London over a twenty-five year period.

Changes in air pollution and climate over the period will also be documented to identify spatial and temporal trends.

A method for detecting long-term environmental change with lichens

  1. 1. Aim

  2. 2. Method

  3. 2.2. Site and plot selection

  4. 2.3. Tree selection and lichen sampling protocol

  5. 2.4. Data collection and handling

  6. 3. References

    Davies, L., Bates, J.W., Bell, J.N.B., James, P.W., Purvis, O.W. (2006a). Diversity and sensitivity of epiphytes to oxides of nitrogen in London. Environmental Pollution. Doi 10.101/j.envpol. 2006.03.023

    Davies, L., James, P.W., Gordon, F. (2006b) Epping Forest's roadside lichens: potential biomonitors for nitrogenous air pollution? Environment Agency Science Report No:13408. UK.

    Dobson, F. (2004). Lichens. The Richmond Publishing Company UK.

    Houghton, J.T., Ding., Griggs, D. J. Noguer, M., van der Linden, P.J. Dai, X., Maskell, K. and Johnson, C.A. (2001). (Eds.) Climate Change 2001. The scientific basis. Published for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. University Press, Cambridge, 881 pp.

    Insarov, G.E. & Pchiolkin, A.V. (1988). Measurement of fruticose epiphytic lichens, Biological Science 1, 106-109 (in Russian).

    Insarov, G., & Schroeter, B. (2002). Lichen Monitoring and Climate Change. Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., Wolseley, P.A. (Eds.) Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens. NATO Science Series, IV Earth & Environmental Sciences - Vol 7. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.

    Insarov, G. (2002) A method for detecting large-scale environmental change with lichens. Chapter 42 in: Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., and Wolseley, P. A. (Eds.) Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens, The Hague, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 399-403.

    James, P.W., & Davies, L., (2006) Woodland Edge species in Epping Forest . A report for the City of London. Published by ICON, London.

    James, P.W., Hawksworth, D.L., Rose, F., Eds. (1977). Lichen Communities in the British Isles: A Preliminary Conspectus. In Lichen Ecology, (Ed.) M.R.D. Seaward, 295-413. London Academic Press.

    Orange, A.J. James, P.W., White, F.J., (2001). Microchemical Methods for the identification of Lichens, British Lichen Society.

    Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W., Moore, D.M. (1992). TheLichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Lichen Society.

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